Results Round Up 19/12/2016

Posted by Andy Shaw on 19 December 2016

After a stellar October, repeating the winning streak of November was always going to be difficult for Mapperley Park badminton club.

 And that was the way it started…

2nd mixed, buoyed by their opening victories in division 2, came back down to earth with a bump as they lost 8-1 away to a very strong Bingham 4th team. Despite this they bounced back, twice… defeating Crusader 7-2 and Boots 9-0.  The 5th mixed suffered their second loss as they went down 6-3 at St Giles despite Rob Richards and Julie Whitby taking two rubbers. The 6th mixed made it two from two as they won a tight match away at Arboretum  5-4, Mother and son combination Karen and Callum taking all three rubbers.
The 4th mixed team suffered their first defeat of the season at home to a strong and experienced Southwell team 7-2.

In the ladies section, the 1st team backed up their opening success against Chilwell with a convincing 8-1 victory over the University of Nottingham. Both pairs of Jodie Smee and Nat Wright, and Louisa Truong and Charlotte Close taking all three rubbers.
The 2nd ladies had mixed fortunes in November. They made it three from three with a solid 7-2 victory over Beeston Fields, but then suffered a disappointing 5-4 defeat at home to Carlton. The 4th ladies, in their first season, have found it tough going. They suffered their second loss, 7-2 away at The University of Nottingham.

After their impressive victory in the season opener vs Forest in the Premier Division, the 1st men’s travelled to Bingham in what was always going to be a tough encounter. They suffered a 7-2 defeat, with 6 of the 9 rubbers going to a Final set. The 3rdmen’s finally started their season at home to Beeston Valley. A tight 5-4 victory, with Andy Waplington and Gurj Singh taking three rubbers.
There were two walkovers in the men’s section for November. The 1st men’s Vs University and the 3rd men’s Vs Rushcliffe Arena. Both resulting in 9-0 victories for Mapperley Park

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